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  • Writer's pictureKelynn McManus

Welcome to my Blog!!!

Welcome to my Blog!!!

I will be using this as a platform to share fitness, fashion, lifestyle and of course pregnancy and mommy posts. You can look forward to seeing awesome workouts and healthy recipes, bump fashion, lifestyle posts and my fave product reviews, as well as my pregnancy and mommy journey!!

Lets start out by telling you all about me and what I love...

My name is Kelynn and I am 23 years old! I am currently 19 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I could not be more excited to meet our little Nug!! (P.S. until birth, we have named the baby Nug.) I have always had a love for fashion, design and style. Those who know me will tell you I love to dress up and I am never afraid to push the fashion limits. Lets not forget about my gym style!! My motto is look good, feel great, perform your best! I have never been the girl to go to the gym in basketball shorts and a baggy tee, let me tell you that!! Speaking of the gym, I have an incredible passion for fitness and I am a certified Personal Trainer. Fitness saved my life and I will never stop working out. Being pregnant has definitely brought about changes in my life, my body, my style and my fitness, but I could not be happier to be on this journey, not to mention share it with you all!!

Lets talk about my pregnancy journey!!

Being pregnant has been a crazy experience so far, and its going by so fast!! At 19 weeks I am almost half way to meeting Nug, and I cannot wait. This baby has been the biggest blessing in my life and I will never stop working to be the best mommy and an amazing role model for my child. I'll be honest it hasn't all been butterflies and rainbows.. My first trimester was rough to say the least. I was sick almost every day! It honestly boggles my mind how they can call it morning sickness... It is all day sickness!! Thank goodness for my doctor and my amazing Hollistic Nutritionist sister for getting me on all the best supplements and prescriptions for my nausea. I am very lucky that I did not throw up once... Bless!! Pregnancy is a roller coaster, and its different for everyone. I had almost no energy at all in my first trimester; workouts weren't regular, I didn't want to eat anything and some days I could barely get out of bed. My second trimester has been significantly better thus far. I have so much more energy and my workouts have been more regular as well as over all just better! Probably the hardest part of pregnancy is how much it has messed with my emotions, changed how I think and destroyed my drive and motivation. I have felt so lost, so unmotivated and sometimes just down right unhappy. I am working so hard to push through these feelings, because I have a baby who will be looking up to me, I want to make my family happy and proud, and I will never stop fighting to do so!!

Lets talk style!!!

I love fashion! I am always pushing the limits, pairing new things and never afraid to break the rules. My favourite clothing items include: Freddy's, because lets be serious these thighs, booty and waist were not made for jeans!!

My timberland heals... you can't go wrong obvs!!

My Burberry scarf because its beautiful and classic.

My New Burgundy Michael Kors Purse

And Last but not least My baby.. Louis!

When I'm not in heals, dresses, scarves and Freddy's you will probably find me rocking a half top and leggings, or one of my infamous workout onesies!! My fitness clothes are my pride and joy, although it is getting harder and harder to wear them as Nug starts to make an appearance! I have actually been known at gyms as 'the halftop girl' lol. Despite what people may think about my extra, over the top, bougee style I really mostly dress up for me, (and my man of course)! It makes me feel good, it makes me happy and it is something I love!!

Cant forget about Fitness!!!

Fitness has been a huge part of my life for many years. I grew up competitively dancing, but really found fitness, lifting and working out when I was suffering with eating disorders and decided I wanted to make a change. Honestly, fitness saved my life! I went from such an unhealthy, unhappy place, and really became the confident curvy woman I am today. I have always wanted to compete in fitness competitions, but have yet to make the stage. I plan on not only getting my body back after pregnancy, but creating the body of my dreams!! No, I have not stepped on stage, no I am not perfect, but I am healthy, happy and I'm carrying the biggest blessing ever in my tummy!! My journey has not been an easy one; between rebuilding my metabolism, dealing with too much stress and too little sleep, and many other setbacks I am constantly working to improve! I may not have my dream body tomorrow, but I will never stop working out and pushing towards my goals!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my first ever blog post! I can't wait to share my pregnancy journey, lifestyle, family, fashion and fitness with you. You can look forward to lots more posts, videos, recipes, adorable baby bump pics and so much more fun stuff!!

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